

If it meets these demands too late and not overwhelmed byfeelings of excitement or bad mood, try to increase drinkingwater putih.siapa know, your body is in a dehydrated condition.

because the dehydration effect on the feelings and moodsseseorang.hali was evidenced by studies conducted scientistsLawerence E Armstrong of the department of Kinesiology &Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecitut, America.

study was conducted on a group of healthy men and a few othergroups consisting of 26 healthy women. each subject was askedto walk on a treadmill in a room temperature of 28 degreesCelsius.


Kidney care in the World Kidney Day

The kidneys maintain the water balance and blood acidity as well as electrolytes. Besides the kidneys also produce a variety of hormones, among others erithropoitin that contribute to the formation of red blood cells. Given a very important role in human life, we must always keep our kidneys in good health. In general, damage to the kidneys is the impact of other diseases such as diabetes (diabetes), hypertension, high uric acid diseases, autoimmune diseases like lupus. Diseases that occur in the kidneys that can progress to the chronic urinary tract infections, kidney stones or polycystic kidneys and renal tract obstruction. Current diabetes (DM) dominated the causes of chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis (hemodialysis). Hypertension due to uncontrolled blood pressure more and will also damage the kidneys, the kidneys begin to leak from chronic kidney failure, so the patient must undergo dialysis. Increased uric acid levels will also lead to prolonged kidney stone formation and if it continues to happen repeatedly in the kidney infection and eventually may also lead to chronic renal failure. In addition, other things that can cause kidney dysfunction are drugs. The use of painkillers is prolonged and without consulting a physician can also cause kidney damage. How to prevent kidney disease? Patients with diabetes, blood sugar should always be controlled, patients with hypertension, blood pressure should always be controlled. Patients with high uric acid, uric acid level should be lowered to normal. In patients already known to suffer from autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Lupus disease have remission (recovery). Currently in the middle of the many different alternative treatments in addition to modern medicine that claims to cure diabetes or hypertension so that a full recovery. Obviously this claim is not true, because diabetes and hypertension can only be said to be well controlled with medication or without medication. Therefore, any treatment given, blood sugar levels or blood pressure should always be checked regularly. Because if this is not addressed will lead to complications of chronic renal failure that need dialysis or even transplant (transplanted) kidney. To reduce risk of kidney disease, there are some important tips are: Complete examination of urine creatinine and urea in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and high uric acid as well as diseases such as lupus Erythematosus aoutoimun. Not taking drugs regularly without your doctor's instructions. Enough to drink 8-10 glasses per day under normal conditions. No urinary incontinence in a long time. Do not ignore the possibility of a variety of disorders associated with impaired renal medicine medical treatment immediately. Recognize health problems related to the kidneys such as painful urination, frequent urination, urination not lampias, urination or red meat such as laundry or hip pain.


How to get the boy

To get the child in accordance with our wishes not a difficult thing again. Humans can only try and while determining the one almighty God. For that, there are some businesses that we can take in order to determine the child to be born. Sometimes a lot of people who go and wait for the result later. But for those of you who have the desire to have male children, perhaps some of these tips you can use.
How to use the fertile period is very difficult and rarely keberhasilnya numbers, let alone how to distinguish whether this day including a day before the fertile period, fertile period or the end of the fertile period is very difficult, because the woman's menstrual cycle is 85% exactly right, for example this month of 28 days , the month can be 29 days tomorrow, so that the determination of the fertile period could be wrong, wrong one day lead to the calculation of all.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman:
Known to date the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 27.
Formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + net early date of a woman = time of ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
(27-05) / 2 = 11; 05 + 11 = 16 - every day 16 from the net since the beginning of a woman is the culmination of a woman's fertile period or ovulation.
Spermatozoa characteristics:
Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Move more slowly.
- Better able to survive longer (an average of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) lighter.
Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Move more nimble.
- Life is shorter (an average of only about 1 day only)
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) is more severe.
If you are a couple who want to want a baby boy, there are tips from the results of a study that you can do. First, you should make a relationship at the time or the day before ovulation. Ovulation is when the release of an egg from the ovary in a woman's womb.
The next way is to wet the V with a liter of water is first mixed with 2 (two) tablespoons of baking soda. Besides eating seafood and meat is also very helpful in this process. And most important of the above series of business is, the husband must remove sperm as close to the mouth of the uterus. This is expected to accelerate Gynosperma made their way to fertilize the egg.


Pediatric heart disease

Congenital disease or can be called a disease present at birth is a serious disease that includes. Such as congenital heart diseases in this birth. Who would have thought a child who has been waiting in the presence of congenital heart disease born? Which parent do not fear, sadness and panic when I discovered his son had been affected by the congenital heart disease.
Congenital heart disease or congenital heart disease is an abnormal formation of the heart or great vessels near the heart. "Congenital" speaks only of time but not the cause. It means "born with" or "present at birth". Another alternative name for congenital heart diseases including: congenital heart defect, congenital heart malfomation, congenital cardiovascular disease, congenital cardiovascular defects, and congenital cardiovascular malformations.
Congenital heart disease is the form most often found in major damage to the birth of babies, affecting nearly 1% of newborn babies (8 of 1000). Although all types of CHD (Congenital Heart Disease) is present at birth and are therefore already present before birth, only a few cases of CHD are unknown until birth or earlier. CHD diagnosis is made when one week old baby merupaka 40-50% of cases. And about 50-60% of all cases diagnosed in the newborn period (first month after birth). The remaining cases are not diagnosed until after that time.
Causes of congenital heart defects is unknown. Research shows that parents who have a higher risk of cardiac abnormalities of children with disabilities have the same heart. Or it could be because during pregnancy the mother's cigarette consumption and therefore contributes greatly to his son. The disorder can also be caused by disorders of heart development in the fetus such as rubella and toxoplasma infections, drugs, alcohol and toxic substances consumed by his mother. Gene disorders such as Down syndrome and Turner are also correlated with a congenital heart defect.
VSD and ASD with a small hole may close itself as the growth of children. Cardiac abnormalities that can not heal itself can be corrected by one or several operations. The surgical procedure can be either open-heart surgery or with angioplasty / valvuloplasty using a balloon to eliminate barriers to blood vessels or heart valves. In this procedure, cardiologists insert a catheter (a thin plastic tube with a balloon at the tip) into the blood vessels. The balloon then inflated to dilate the narrowed vessel or heart valve. With another procedure called transcather occlusion device (TDO), an abnormal hole in the septum of the heart can be closed without surgery.


How to burn fat

How to burn fat - Fat largely caused by high levels of fat in the body. Actually, it has the benefit of its own fat in our bodies. Like, the fat will help you as a backup energy in the form of fat cells. This is necessary when you are deficient in digestive or are fasting. For that is needed by the body fats.
But others with excessive levels of fat in your body so your body feels plump and soft. Fat will interfere with your current activity. So that will make you lazy and hungry easily. You should subtract foods high in fat. Such as meat, fried foods and other sebaginya. This was necessary so that your body does not absorb the high fat. And try to eat high-carbohydrate foods. For these foods will help you that are not easily hungry and likes to nibble at solid activity.
To burn fat in your body, you should use the natural way is by exercising regularly and do not like to laze around. Because the exercise will help burn fat in your body. Keep your exercise focused on burning fat in your body parts. As if in arm use exercise to help burn fat on the arms.
Actually a lot of activities that you do not realize to burn fat in your body. Such as indoor soccer, running, brisk walking, swimming, hiking, gardening, washing cars, cycling and other sebaginya. These activities will help burn excess fat on your body bit by bit. It was not immediately be skinny or slim, but if you use a modern or slim fast way it will be no side effects.


Benefits of red onion

Benefits of red onion - Plants that are used as flavoring in foods is proved to have great benefit for us. Usually used for seasoning vegetables and often also cooked with fried onions used as a complementary flavor to the dish. But taukah your own benefit of red onion? For that let us see what benefits are there still in the womb of this onion.
From the research, it turns out the Red Onion bulb extract at a dose of 250 mg / kg, causes a decrease in normal blood sugar levels by 23.46%. In granting tolbutamid dose 250 mg / kg orally, showed a decrease to normal blood sugar levels by 22.21%, and the provision of distilled water with a dose of 5 ml / kg orally showed a normal blood sugar levels by 3.00%. Tri Purwaningsih, 1991. Pharmacy FMIPA UI, so the source of alert states.

How to treat acne

How to treat acne - I think many of us affected by acne is caused because one can choose a cosmetic or soap that does not match the skin PH. Or is caused by oily skin, oily skin because it generally has large pores and bacteria can easily enter the pores so easily affected by acne.
The emergence of acne is also often associated with the consumption of certain foods such as nuts, chocolate, or fried. Yet there is no research that reinforces this notion.