
How to get the boy

To get the child in accordance with our wishes not a difficult thing again. Humans can only try and while determining the one almighty God. For that, there are some businesses that we can take in order to determine the child to be born. Sometimes a lot of people who go and wait for the result later. But for those of you who have the desire to have male children, perhaps some of these tips you can use.
How to use the fertile period is very difficult and rarely keberhasilnya numbers, let alone how to distinguish whether this day including a day before the fertile period, fertile period or the end of the fertile period is very difficult, because the woman's menstrual cycle is 85% exactly right, for example this month of 28 days , the month can be 29 days tomorrow, so that the determination of the fertile period could be wrong, wrong one day lead to the calculation of all.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman:
Known to date the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, each dated 27.
Formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + net early date of a woman = time of ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
(27-05) / 2 = 11; 05 + 11 = 16 - every day 16 from the net since the beginning of a woman is the culmination of a woman's fertile period or ovulation.
Spermatozoa characteristics:
Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Move more slowly.
- Better able to survive longer (an average of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) lighter.
Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Move more nimble.
- Life is shorter (an average of only about 1 day only)
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) is more severe.
If you are a couple who want to want a baby boy, there are tips from the results of a study that you can do. First, you should make a relationship at the time or the day before ovulation. Ovulation is when the release of an egg from the ovary in a woman's womb.
The next way is to wet the V with a liter of water is first mixed with 2 (two) tablespoons of baking soda. Besides eating seafood and meat is also very helpful in this process. And most important of the above series of business is, the husband must remove sperm as close to the mouth of the uterus. This is expected to accelerate Gynosperma made their way to fertilize the egg.


Pediatric heart disease

Congenital disease or can be called a disease present at birth is a serious disease that includes. Such as congenital heart diseases in this birth. Who would have thought a child who has been waiting in the presence of congenital heart disease born? Which parent do not fear, sadness and panic when I discovered his son had been affected by the congenital heart disease.
Congenital heart disease or congenital heart disease is an abnormal formation of the heart or great vessels near the heart. "Congenital" speaks only of time but not the cause. It means "born with" or "present at birth". Another alternative name for congenital heart diseases including: congenital heart defect, congenital heart malfomation, congenital cardiovascular disease, congenital cardiovascular defects, and congenital cardiovascular malformations.
Congenital heart disease is the form most often found in major damage to the birth of babies, affecting nearly 1% of newborn babies (8 of 1000). Although all types of CHD (Congenital Heart Disease) is present at birth and are therefore already present before birth, only a few cases of CHD are unknown until birth or earlier. CHD diagnosis is made when one week old baby merupaka 40-50% of cases. And about 50-60% of all cases diagnosed in the newborn period (first month after birth). The remaining cases are not diagnosed until after that time.
Causes of congenital heart defects is unknown. Research shows that parents who have a higher risk of cardiac abnormalities of children with disabilities have the same heart. Or it could be because during pregnancy the mother's cigarette consumption and therefore contributes greatly to his son. The disorder can also be caused by disorders of heart development in the fetus such as rubella and toxoplasma infections, drugs, alcohol and toxic substances consumed by his mother. Gene disorders such as Down syndrome and Turner are also correlated with a congenital heart defect.
VSD and ASD with a small hole may close itself as the growth of children. Cardiac abnormalities that can not heal itself can be corrected by one or several operations. The surgical procedure can be either open-heart surgery or with angioplasty / valvuloplasty using a balloon to eliminate barriers to blood vessels or heart valves. In this procedure, cardiologists insert a catheter (a thin plastic tube with a balloon at the tip) into the blood vessels. The balloon then inflated to dilate the narrowed vessel or heart valve. With another procedure called transcather occlusion device (TDO), an abnormal hole in the septum of the heart can be closed without surgery.


How to burn fat

How to burn fat - Fat largely caused by high levels of fat in the body. Actually, it has the benefit of its own fat in our bodies. Like, the fat will help you as a backup energy in the form of fat cells. This is necessary when you are deficient in digestive or are fasting. For that is needed by the body fats.
But others with excessive levels of fat in your body so your body feels plump and soft. Fat will interfere with your current activity. So that will make you lazy and hungry easily. You should subtract foods high in fat. Such as meat, fried foods and other sebaginya. This was necessary so that your body does not absorb the high fat. And try to eat high-carbohydrate foods. For these foods will help you that are not easily hungry and likes to nibble at solid activity.
To burn fat in your body, you should use the natural way is by exercising regularly and do not like to laze around. Because the exercise will help burn fat in your body. Keep your exercise focused on burning fat in your body parts. As if in arm use exercise to help burn fat on the arms.
Actually a lot of activities that you do not realize to burn fat in your body. Such as indoor soccer, running, brisk walking, swimming, hiking, gardening, washing cars, cycling and other sebaginya. These activities will help burn excess fat on your body bit by bit. It was not immediately be skinny or slim, but if you use a modern or slim fast way it will be no side effects.


Benefits of red onion

Benefits of red onion - Plants that are used as flavoring in foods is proved to have great benefit for us. Usually used for seasoning vegetables and often also cooked with fried onions used as a complementary flavor to the dish. But taukah your own benefit of red onion? For that let us see what benefits are there still in the womb of this onion.
From the research, it turns out the Red Onion bulb extract at a dose of 250 mg / kg, causes a decrease in normal blood sugar levels by 23.46%. In granting tolbutamid dose 250 mg / kg orally, showed a decrease to normal blood sugar levels by 22.21%, and the provision of distilled water with a dose of 5 ml / kg orally showed a normal blood sugar levels by 3.00%. Tri Purwaningsih, 1991. Pharmacy FMIPA UI, so the source of alert states.

How to treat acne

How to treat acne - I think many of us affected by acne is caused because one can choose a cosmetic or soap that does not match the skin PH. Or is caused by oily skin, oily skin because it generally has large pores and bacteria can easily enter the pores so easily affected by acne.
The emergence of acne is also often associated with the consumption of certain foods such as nuts, chocolate, or fried. Yet there is no research that reinforces this notion.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms of appendicitis - at first regarded as appendicitis additional organs do not function. The disease is generally due to bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors not yet known with certainty. Among the factors blockage of the channel layer of the appendix by a buildup of hard stools, lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, worm diseases, impurities in the body, the parasites, the primary cancer and striktur.
Intestinal symptoms depending on the level of the disease:

1. Symptoms of acute appendicitis
In such cases the body will arise over high heat, nausea / vomiting, stomach pain right bottom, make a run up quite terbongkok so sick, but not all patients will show symptoms like this, it could also merely fell dizzy, or nausea / vomiting only.


Symptoms of kidney stones

- Kidney stones in medical terms is called Nephrolithiasis or renal calculi. Nephrolithiasis is a condition in which there are one or more stones in the pelvis / calyces of the kidney or ureter at the channel. Kidney stones can occur in anywhere in the urinary tract. Generally this happens in two parts ie most tubs kidney (renal pelvis) and the renal calix. May be due to the formation of calcium, phosphate, or a combination of uric acid is usually dissolved in the urine.
The size of kidney stones can vary from single or double nature. The disease would stay in the kidney or urn will be placed in the ureter and can damage the kidney tissue. Size big enough stone could damage the tissue by pressure or cause an obstruction, resulting in back flow of fluid. Kidney stones are usually going to happen over and over again.

Eye Health Tips

Eyes are an important part in life. Without our eyes can not see the beauty of this world. But do you know about the health of your eyes? this is what causes many people suffering from eye diseases. For that we must know that the health of the eye it is important to us. Here are some tips on how instant kuntuk keep the eyes from damage and disease.

- Eat Nutritious Food
Eyes need to intake of substances that are nutritious and vitamin sufficient to maintain the condition of keeping fit. Get used to eating foods that are fibrous and have adequate nutrient content. You can also consume or mekanan supplements containing vitamin A eperti carrots, avocado, tomato, papaya, and so forth.

- Read a Book
If too close to be able to create eye strain and lead to nearsightedness in the long run. Read a book a safe distance is 30 cm. Reading books is also not allowed while sleeping. Information was also be quite such a bright fluorescent lights. Thus the health of the eye will remain intact.

- Avoid Dust & Pollution
For those of you who often move on the highway such as motorcycle taxi drivers, policemen, police cepek, thugs, public transportation drivers, couriers, etc. should use eye protection such as goggles and helmets that look in the mirror. Avoid dust into the eyes because it can make the eyes so the infection and makes the eyes cataracts.

- Playing Video Games
Children nowadays many are indifferent to the health of the eye. It can be seen by many who play ps / playstation video game or other similar close to the tv screen. Better get used to scold children who play the game too close. The distance is similar to point number 1 above.

- Work / Play Computer
Get used to spending time in the move in front of a computer screen. For example every 15 or 30 minutes once a rest to see that far away for five to ten minutes so the eyes are not always in a state of tension due to see the screen with a very close distance.

- Watching Television
Safe distance to watch television I think it was 2 meters for size 14-inch tv. For a more wide-screen automatic greater distance. Watching a movie theater screen should also take the rearmost seat.

source : tipsku.info


Maintain Eye Health Tips While Working At Home Monitors

Computers and other equipment, such as monitors, have become common in every office work. It is not strange if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day. At first we might be a little worried about the impact of computers and monitors radiation emitted rays can damage the health of the body, especially the eyes. However, experts did not ever give up to create equipment that increasingly friendly to the environment and health.

Still, working too long in front of the monitor screen still can affect health, such as eye fatigue, back pain, shoulder and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain while working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep the gift a fixed eye, although they had to work long hours.

Ear and head pain when flying

If we want to travel by planes,would have imagined how it feels when it was in the space.Well, what if while riding in an airplane we even feel uncomfortable because our ears and head hurt to even taste like heads going to explode? 

Is this situation normal? This situation is called Occlusion Tubal or obstruction in the fallopian tubes in the ears. Tuba eustachius / Eusthacian tube is a channel that starts from the middle ear and ended up behind the base of the nose or throat area. This channel serves to balance the air pressure in the middle ear and outside air pressure. If there is pressure difference then this channel will open and allow air into the middle ear so that the pressure to be balanced. 

When the pressure difference that can happen? If we want to get on a plane, when the aircraft was about to take off or landing or when the plane up and down in the air, our ears will feel like a full or a dead end or a bit less heard, this is caused due to the pressure difference as before. Usually we will immediately respond to swallow so that our hearing became normal again. By swallowing this will cause the tube open and outside air can get into the middle ear. 

Water Lice Cure Tips

water fleas (Athlete's foot) is called tinea pedis medicallanguage. Water fleas is an infection of fungus and usually onfoot, although not rare in the hand folds. Course of the diseasecould take place sooner or later, not infrequently arerelapse-recurrence after treatment.

Our body is normally the host of a variety of microorganisms,including bacteria and fungi. Some of the microorganisms arebeneficial to us. Conversely, in certain conditions can multiplyrapidly and cause infection.

Relieves Migraine Tips

Migraine is a disease that attacks the head, all this time you may treat this simply by taking migraine drugs. But for now you can relieve your migraine sufferers migraine by using natural ingredients and you do not need to consume

There are several types of natural materials are recommended for consumption because it contains partenolida and magnesium, which can relieve migraines, namely:



Most people already know the role of vitamin C terhdadap health of the body, namely as an antioxidant, a cofactor for collagen formation and divide the hormone, as well as to enhance the body's immune system to prevent various diseases.


slimming tricks

 There are many ways to lose weight, ranging from the various methods of diet, exercise, liposuction surgery, acupuncture, slimming medicine to drink. Which is safe and effective?

Referring to the world health agency, WHO, noted that a good weight loss can not be done instantly, but it is a long-term therapy. 
All it takes to lose weight not just reduce the size of the meal, but also needed guidance from a nutritionist before making dietary changes, along with physical activity and behavioral therapy.

To find out how slimming where a healthy, safe, and effective, please read the following descriptions to complete.

How to remove the fat that is now the trend is surgery liposuction and tummy-tuck. 
This operation was chosen because the weight can be decreased drastically without the need to tired to exercise and diet, it is proved by the testimony of a famous artist.But why do so even though the fat is removed, his body is still too stretchy?

Basically, liposuction is surgery to remove fat under the skin, and made to achieve harmony of body, not to lose weight. 
While tummy-tuck is the removal of excess fatty tissue and overlying skin to form a more aesthetic body. Fat should not be reduced any more than 3-5 kg ​​once operations

According to nutrition specialist, dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, both types of operations are usually performed on patients who have a doctor's body sagged after her body weight decreased. 
So, to lose weight before surgery, not surgery to lose weight because after 3 months the body will be fat again.

Gastric binding & gastric by-pass
This action is selected if any slimming method did not work.Gastric binding is the installation tool "stomach binder" which causes a smaller stomach pouch so that we will not eat too much because your body feel full faster. 
Through this act of weight loss can be reduced by 35-60 percent in 12 months.

Unlike the gastric temporary binding, gastric bypass is permanent, the physician will make a 'road' liaison between the base of the stomach to the small intestine so that food through the stomach but not directly into the small intestine. 
With gastric bypass, weight loss can be reduced to 80 percent. To perform these two types of action, patients should be aged over 35 years.

Until now akunpuntur method has not been scientifically proven to lose weight. 
Generally, the patients had stopped in the middle of the road because it did not get the ideal weight expected.

Drugs and supplements slimming
Prior to believe by the lure of advertising, you should first carefully the content of drugs and supplements. 
Oversight bodies the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) even forbade the consumption of slimming supplements containing ephedrine content akftif E.sinica or because it has side effects of psychiatric symptoms, interfere with the digestive tract and makes the heart pounding.

Although states could reduce levels of fat, not a slimming drug that is only able to reduce body weight of 1.2 kg for 6-14 weeks, equivalent to redah calorie diet for 1250/hari at 0.5-week period without any medication.

Popular Diets
Popular diets often referred to as "Fad Diets", has a characteristic, among others; promising rapid weight loss, can cure many diseases, recommends the use of supplements, eating on time, limit or prohibit certain foods and only for a period of view.


Wonders Of Water

God has given us plenty of water and free. Without spending money on drugs, tablets, injections, diagnosis, physician salaries, etc..

Only drinking water, the disease can be treated below.

You will not believe before you do. Below is a list of diseases that can be cured with this therapy:

The high blood
Eye Diseases
Kidney stones
Menstrual disorders
Urethral diseases
Inflammation / Joint Pain
Excess uric acid
Cancer Peranakan
Inflammation of the mucous membrane
Breast Cancer
Heart Disorders
Drunk, Dizzy, dizzy

How to drink water that works?

Drinking plain water with the right methods, to purify the human body. Makes the colon work more effectively with the formation of new blood, known in medical terms as aematopaises. Mucousal that bends in the colon and small intestine are activated by this method, an incontrovertible fact,
as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by mucousal this fold. If the colon is clean, then the nutrition of the food eaten several times a day will be absorbed and to work sometimes mucousal, nutritional food is turned into fresh blood.

The blood is the most important in the treatment of diseases and maintain health, and then the water should be consumed regularly.

How to do this water therapy?

In the morning, when just turned up (without even brushing your teeth before) drink 1.5 liters of water, ie 5 to 6 glasses. Better water is mixed in advance as much as 1.5 liters. Please know that our ancestors termed this therapy as "Usha Paana chikitsa".

After that you can wash your face. It 'very important to note that not drinking or eating something an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. It 'has also been carefully considered who should not drink alcohol the night before. If necessary, use boiled water or filtered water.

And 'possible to drink 1.5 liters of water at once?

For starters, it might seem difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but gradually gets used. Initially, while practicing you may drink four glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drank two minutes later. Initially you urinate 2 or 3 times an hour, but after a while ', return to normal. According to the research and experience, the following known diseases can be cured with this therapy, in times like those listed below:

Constipation - 1 day
Pulmonary TB - 3 months
Diabetes - 7 Days
Uric acid - 2 Days
Blood Pressure - 4 weeks
Cancer - 4 weeks

It is recommended that people with pain from arthritis / rheumatism in the joints and implement this therapy thrice a day ie morning, afternoon and evening, one hour before meals for one week, then twice daily until healed.

We plead with you, the above method to read and practiced carefully. Luaskanlah Spread this message to friends, relatives and neighbors as this is a dedication to humanity. With the grace of God, every person should lead a healthy life

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Treating Allergic Rhinitis

Northern California, an allergy is a significant health problem that leads to fatigue, sick days from work and school, and secondary infections. Allergic rhinitis is a seasonal reaction to airborne allergens. It affects about 7 percent of the population of North America and is a risk factor for 88 percent of asthma patients. We have some very good prescription medications to treat this, and there are many over-the-counter medications are also available. However, BEWARE of their sedative effects nonprescription! Recent studies have shown that individuals at therapeutic doses of diphenhydramine (Benedryl) is more dangerous than a driver legally drunk alcohol.

Fortunately, there are also some effective alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis.
Remember: no matter what method you use to treat your allergies, nasal rinses to clean the mucous membranes of the trapped allergens is important. It only takes about 30 seconds, it does not hurt a bit when done correctly, and make all the difference. I recommend Nasopure ®, a product developed by Dr. Hana Solomon, a pediatrician who has collected in one simple kit all you need to succeed nasal rinse. There is a good article on this site Nasopure (www.nasopure.com). If you regularly use Nasopure ® device, and are still experiencing difficulties, you can try some of the following drugs without significant side effects.
Vitamin and mineral supplements:
* Vitamin A - 10,000 IU / day
* Vitamin B6 - 50-100 mg / day
* Vitamin B5 - 50-75 mg / day
* Vitamin C - 1,000 mg / day in 3 divided doses
* Vitamin E - 400 IU / day
* Zinc - 20-30 mg / day
In addition, some herbs and nutrients can help:
Quercetin has anti-allergic effects and anti-inflammatory if you take 250mg two or three times a day.
Freeze-dried stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) may relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis with a dose of 300mg twice daily.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also called fish oil, can help patients with allergic asthma to stabilize the airway. They come in capsule form and the total dose combinations should be 2-4 g / day.
Acupuncture has provided many patients significant relief. Paradigm of Chinese medicine is very different from Western medicine, so I can not explain the mechanism of action. But I know that it's effective!
See your doctor about allergy symptoms if you can not manage your own - nonsedating antihistamines and anti-inflammatory nasal sprays that are available today are very good in treating a significant health problem!