
Symptoms of appendicitis

Symptoms of appendicitis - at first regarded as appendicitis additional organs do not function. The disease is generally due to bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors not yet known with certainty. Among the factors blockage of the channel layer of the appendix by a buildup of hard stools, lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, worm diseases, impurities in the body, the parasites, the primary cancer and striktur.
Intestinal symptoms depending on the level of the disease:

1. Symptoms of acute appendicitis
In such cases the body will arise over high heat, nausea / vomiting, stomach pain right bottom, make a run up quite terbongkok so sick, but not all patients will show symptoms like this, it could also merely fell dizzy, or nausea / vomiting only.

2. Symptoms of Chronic appendicitis
At this level there some similar symptoms with sore ulcer in which there was a faint pain in the area around the navel and sometimes fever, loss arose. Often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting at times, then pain will be moved to the lower right abdomen with special signs in acute appendicitis pain that is the point pd Mc Burney (the term wellness).

Pain depends on the position / parking caecum of the large intestine. When the tip touches the urinary tract appendicitis ureter, pain will be equal to the urinary tract colic pain sensation, and may have urinary disorders. When the position of appendix to the back pain appears on the slide examination anal or vaginal slide. At other positions appendicitis, pain may not be so specific.

When illness does occur a long time, do check Apendikogram. Patients will be asked to drink fluids such as milk which is a contrast substance. About 24 hours later, done photo shoot with roentgen equipment. With a complete examination and a complete anamnesis we can eliminate the disease may also occur in the lower right abdomen.

source : tipsku.info

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